These terms and conditions serve as a binding agreement between the property owner, hereby identified as “client” and Legacy Environmental Solutions and its owners, employees, and subcontractors, hereby identified as “company,” for the execution or services in exchange for payment for residential or commercial Pest Control services. The services that Legacy Environmental Solutions provide to you are subject to the following terms and we reserve the right to update the terms and conditions any time without notice to you. You can review the Terms and Conditions at any time by clicking the link in your quote approval email. 


The customer agrees to make the premises available for service and to accept such service. Legacy Environmental Solutions will provide a 24-hour notice to let the customer know that we will be on the premises providing service. The customer has the right to request a “30-minute call ahead” the day of service. The customer agrees to make sure the premise is free of any persons, pets, and debris that would interfere with the area of service. 

This contract will be effective for one year. Service will be continued after one year or until cancellation by either party. Cancellation by either party will require written notice at least 30 days prior to termination of service. Cancellation without the 30-day notice may result in a charge of the full service.

Interior Service Acknowledgement

Legacy Environmental Solutions has the right to report living conditions to the Florida Department of Health. The customer is responsible for moving any furniture that may be in the way of area of treatment. 

Exterior Service Acknowledgement

This contract does not guarantee against present or future damage to lawn, shrubs, or trees or provide for the replacement of lawn, shrubs, or trees. There are treatable diseases and untreatable diseases. This contract is only valid for treatable pests/diseases. i.e- Sugar Cane Mosaic is not a treatable disease. The customer has the right to request a soil sample at an additional fee.

The customer agrees to keep all animals and humans off of turf until the grass is completely dry following any pesticide application. Legacy Environmental Solutions will place a sign in a visible area to notify people that pesticides have been applied and it is not safe to be on the grass. The customer agrees to maintain animal feces on the property or additional fees may apply.

Damage to turf or plants can still occur due to poor maintenance. Legacy Environmental is not responsible for recalls or damage due to improper irrigation. The customer is required to make adjustments to irrigation. Too much watering can be damaging to the turf and ornamentals causing diseases or decline. Too little watering can cause the chemical application to burn the turf or ornamentals. Plants and grass are more susceptible to insects and diseases when under stress. Legacy Environmental Solutions has the right to fire any customer who refuses to repair or maintain proper irrigation.


By accepting a quote, the client agrees to all the terms and conditions in this agreement. You authorize Legacy Environmental Solutions to do the work as specified on the quote. You release our company from property damage unless negligence or willful misconducts cause it. Legacy Environmental Solutions is not responsible for damage to lawn, shrubs, or trees.


Client agrees to allow Legacy Environmental Solutions to utilize any photos, videos, reviews, or descriptions of the property in the context of advertising for the company. The company will use these photos, videos, or descriptions without any compensation to the client. The media will be solely used for advertising and training purposes. The client agrees not to seek punitive action in a civil court or law regarding the use of the above media. We will not include sensitive information such as addresses or names. If client does not agree, simply notify us and we will avoid using any photos of your property outside of our internal records.


Any arrangements must be put in the initial contract and signed by both parties. 

We accept all forms of payment including cash, check, and credit. If paying via credit card, a 3.5% surcharge will be applied.  A $45.00 processing fee will be assessed for any returned checks.

Any invoice or scheduled payment over 30 days past due will be charged with a late fee of $20.00.

If payment is not received within 60 days past due, Legacy Environmental Solutions reserves the right to file a civil claim to collect outstanding debt. Any legal fees incurred will be added to the unpaid balance of the client. 

Legacy Environmental reserves the right to refuse service on any account who is currently past due or who has been 30+ days past due more than once. This contract is binding.