What things can I be doing to get the most from my lawn service?

Winter and Spring in South Florida can be some of the most challenging times for homeowners to keep their yards looking top notch. The weather conditions can be volatile. Kind of like when you need a sweater in the morning, but by noon you are back to summer clothes. The weather varies so much and it can really cause additional stress on your turf if it is not properly maintained. Let’s talk about what things you can be “Doing yourself'" to get the most out of your lawn service.


First things first,

LET’s Talk irrigation.

A property without proper irrigation is the most susceptible to disease. Here are a few tips you can try to making sure you have proper coverage:

  1. Check your irrigation frequently for damage and coverage. Things happen all the time to the sprinkler heads and they sometimes need to be replaced or adjusted.

  2. Adjust your system to run a few hours before morning sun. Turf that gets too much or too little water are at a higher risk for disease. Too much water may result in fungus. Too little water can result in things like chinch bugs. You don’t want to water in the evening because the water will sit on the grass and make the grass more likely to get a fungus. Doing it in the early morning hours allows it to absorb just enough before the sun rises.

  3. Adjust your sprinkler run time based on what your field technician recommends. If the weather has a drastic change and you notice your grass looks too wet or too dry, it may also be a sign to adjust the sprinklers. A general rule of thumb for spring is 3 days a week. You can always ask your technician what they recommend.


YOUR HOME, our pride.

Communication and education allows our customers the best way to maintain a bug free home with minimal intervention. 


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